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Speaking & Visits

Holly Thompson often visits schools in Japan, the U.S., and throughout Asia, and adapts her presentations to meet the needs of each school and classroom. Download the below file for details about her presentations, books, and rates.

Author Holly Thompson School Visit Info (473 KB)

Print-ready information about author visits, presentations, workshops and rates. 

Holly Thompson (B.A. Biology, M.A. English, Certificate in Educational Technology and Information Literacy) has taught, presented, delivered keynotes and led writing workshops at conferences, schools and universities in the U.S., Japan, Cambodia, Australia, India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand and Mongolia. She is happy to present to students in grades K - 12,  university students, teachers,  parents, and adult writers and readers. All presentations include interactive, creativity components. She is happy to adapt presentations to fit a particular curriculum unit, language level of students, teaching focus, or specific workshop need. Some presentations are suited to shorter sessions; others work well in longer sessions. Holly also delivers keynotes and assembly talks and will work with schools or institutions in half-day or full-day intensives and residencies of two to five days.

Download the info above and Email Holly Thompson to inquire about a visit to your school or group.

Holly also does remote presentations plus classroom and book group visits via Zoom.


elementary school visit
Orchards school visit
elementary school visit
middle school visit
with high school interviewers